Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jour 206: Have a Fight in Public

"The French think nothing of shouting at each other in front of everyone. So let loose. Suitable topics include the state of socialism today, the human condition at the dawn of the third millennium, who get to play with the beach ball next. Vacationing at home? Public fights are frowned upon, so either whisper urgently and scowl at your partner, or pretend to be a French tourist and scream at each other in French."

Today starts a week where the book has instructed me to take a vacation to France. Being that I can't really do that, I'm following the "Vacationing at Home" guidelines. I did, however, get a chance to argue with somebody in public. Last night, after a long night at work, some guy in front of me was driving like an asshole while we were going through traffic. I leaned out my window and let him have it, which I'm normally not one to do. I don't know if he heard me or not, but it felt good just to let it out.

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