Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 112: Trace Your Roots

"Today, fill in your family tree as far back as you can."

I started the free trial on and I got access to tons and tons of records for nearly every branch of my family tree. The farthest back I could get were my 38th Great Grand Parents, Ridorech Bretagne and Marmoëc de Poher, each born in 825. I also found out that William the Conqueror was 31st Great Grand Uncle, and that my Great Grandparents on my Mom's side shared their 10th Great Grandparents. It's really interesting what you can find out about your family just by taking a look.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 111: Treat'Em Mean, Keep'Em Keen

"Test this relationship theory today on your significant other."

I'd really rather not do that. I've done my best in the past nearly three years not to fuck anything up too badly and I don't want that to be all-for-not. Besides, I've yet to hear of one case where being an asshole works out for the better.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 110: Test the Foot you Get out of Bed On

"Is there a difference? Which works best for You? From now on, only ever get out of bed on your lucky foot."

Today, I got out of bed on my Left Foot. I didn't really see much of a difference from yesterday. Nothing really lucky or unlucky happened either day, so I really don't have a way of gauging this. I guess yesterday might have been slightly less lucky, due to the shitty service at lunch, so by default my left foot wins.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 109: Test the Foot you Get out of Bed On

"Is there a difference? Which works best for You? From now on, only ever get out of bed on your lucky foot."

Today, I got out of bed on my Right Foot. Overall, today was pretty average. Although, I had really crappy service at lunch, so maybe that counts as unlucky. We'll see what happens tomorrow when I test the other foot.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day 108

"Today, Graffiti"

I'm not sure why, but I chose to write the letters ERO on a wall that already had plenty of graffiti. I think I used to tag that on random things a while ago with sharpie, so it seemed fitting.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 107: Globalization Day

"Today, surf internet chat rooms and make friends with someone on the other side of the world. Eventually you could gain a new best chum, an invitation to visit a distant land, and a better understanding of what makes us all human. Alternatively, you might befriend some nutter who will turn up on your doorstep with a pickaxe."

I gave this my best shot, but nobody wants to be friends in chat rooms. Rule 31 is definitely alive and kicking. I think I got maybe 5 minutes into the longest conversation I actually had. Most people just disconnected immediately. I'm not really sure what the point is of doing that, but whatever.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Day 106

"Today, end every conversation with anyone on any subject with these reassuring words: But My Intentions are Good."

I only got to use this a couple of times today, but for the most part people either didn't notice or were very confused. Mostly because any time I said it, it made no sense whatsoever. But then again, most people are used to me talking nonsense, so maybe it wasn't so bad.