Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18: Kill Something Day

"So-called western 'Western civilization' suppresses our legitimate aggressive impulses. Cast off the chains of narrow morality and stamp out the sad life of a member of some inferior species today: an any, or perhaps, a gnat of some kind. Indulge your dark urges before they overwhelm you. After all, as top Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin declared: the passion for destruction is also a creative passion..."

It does seem only natural, survival of the fittest and whatnot. People have been killing things literally as long as they've been physically able to, and we've gotten pretty good at it. However, most people never really think about the killing that happens every day just in order for them to put food in front of their families. As a chef, I always try to keep in mind that something else had to die in order for me to live. A lot of people don't like to think that their pork chops used to be furry and cute, but that's how it is. Just something to think about.

However, what I did was not nearly as profound as any of that. I ran over a squirrel on my way back from the store today. It made a surprisingly loud crunching sound....

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