"It is said that we think about sex every 6 seconds. Today, monitor your thoughts by writing them down as you go along, noting the sexual ones in capitals."
I did give this an honest try, but I never actually was paying attention enough to write any of them down. I'm sure that they happened though, I'm only human.
"You don't need round-the-clock news, it needs you. Why allow yourself to be dangled in a permanent state of anxious suspense about matter that don't even directly affect you, like some remote murder inquiry, or even war? Constant media-induced is addictive and prevents us from stepping back and seeing the big picture. You have nothing to lose but your remote."
Fortunately the one news program that I actually watch isn't on on Friday nights. Just to be safe though, I didn't watch any TV at all tonight to make sure that I wasn't exposed to any news.
"Without the constant vigilance of fellow citizens, police forces everywhere are too easily tempted to abuse their powers. Do your bit for democracy: follow a police patrol and make sure they respect the suspects rights."
If accomplishing nothing else, the recent economic crisis and the Occupy movement have shown me that (for the most part) the police cannot be trusted. When given power, they have clearly shown that they will abuse that power to satisfy their needs. I don't think I would have to follow a patrol for too long before they started doing something wrong.
"You may not attend the gymnasium religiously, but you can still be ahead of the game by hyperdeveloping at least one muscle, one that very few so-called bodybuilders could even locate, let alone spell: the flexor digitorum profundus."
I couldn't find any actual workout for that particular muscle, but I did do a really good arm workout today after my run. It was pretty tough, considering that I haven't done any weight training in quite some time. But it definitely felt good, maybe I'll start getting back into weights.
"Today, dress in a smart suit and lunch in a fancy restaurant. After the meal, go round other tables introducing yourself as the owner, and thanking other patrons for eating at your establishment. Ask them how they found the food. Promise to send them a brandy on-the-house. Tell them their lunch is on you. See how long before you get ejected."
Unfortunately, the one fancy restaurant that I can eat lunch at didn't have any openings for student diners today. I'll try again as much as I can for the rest of the week and hopefully I'll get in.
"Today, a test of faith in humanity: deliberately abandon The Book in a public place and see if anyone returns it. They should find your details at the front, but for added security, feel free to write them a little message here outlining how much it means to you. The truly paranoid may want to hide behind a tree and watch, but be warned: if you look at the world cynically, the world will match your low expectations."
Since I never wrote any of my information in the front, I left a note in The Book explaining how to return it to me and how much I would really appreciate it. I then left The Book sitting on the table in our dorm's common area and waited to see. To be honest, I definitely had to check a few times. I got worried, mostly because I know how the residents here treat other people's property. To my surprise though, somebody was nice enough to bring it back down to me, safe and sound.