Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 231

"Today, the makers of The Book are issuing Personal International ID numbers. Get yours before the run out. In the future, your PIID will supersede any other form of identification. It will serve as your passport, your social security number, your telephone number, your credit card, your driving license, your video store card. The PIID is a collaborative venture between The Book owners and over 183 governments world-wide. It comprises seven digits, which allows for millions of possible combinations. They will be allocated on a strict first-come-first-served basis. Any individual without a PIID will be sorely disadvantaged in the society of the future, so make sure to obtain yours now. Hurry, hurry!"

Since the site for The Book is pretty disused at this point, I took it upon myself to find a 7-digit PIID number.


Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 230: Deny Yourself Something

"The small things are what makes life so comfortable- too comfortable! Practice self-discipline: learn to live without those self-indulgent pleasures for a day."

Today, I denied myself the pleasure of music. Normally, I listen to music pretty much all day. It's just nice to have some background noise or something to listen to while I'm waiting in line somewhere. It took a little getting used to at first, but after a while it wasn't too bad. Especially when I was driving, it was nice to just hear the sounds of everything around me rather than music for a change.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 229: Blue-Sky Day

"Forget the practicalities; decide what you really want out of life."

All I've ever really wanted out of life is to be happy and have somebody to be happy with. As of right now, I have that, so I think that everything else will work out just fine.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 228: Phrenology Day

"Phrenology is the science of identifying character traits from the shape of the brain, itself deducible of course from the shape of the skull. As modern-day brain imaging techniques have confirmed beyond doubt, many of the brain's main functions are indeed localized. We have yet to confirm the exactitude of early phrenologists' categories, but in the meantime why not judge for yourself? Simply run your finger over your skull and refer any unusual protuberances to the diagram."

According to The Book's diagram, I don't really have any interesting bumps or protrusions. My head, aside from being enormous, is generally normal shaped.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 227

"Today, go to a supermarket and enter all the competitions. If you don't win anything, it must be because they're rigged. Complain to the supermarket manager."

The none of the grocery stores in the area were even running any contests. I'm not sure what else do for today.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 226: Do something Radical with your Hair

"Why spend a fortune on clothes to make a fashion statement when your own head provides the perfect opportunity already?"

I've been looking forward to this day for quite some time. I knew that in order to do something radical, I would need to grow out my normally short hair. So, for the past 100 days I have gone without a haircut. As of today, my hair was the longest it had been in nearly 3 years. I present to you, the transformation.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 225: No Electricity Day

"Our proud ancestors survived for years without electricity. See if you can last a day without relying on any electrically powered devices."

There is very little that doesn't run on electricity these days. Unless I wanted to go strand myself in the woods all day, which I can't afford the time for at the moment, I'm pretty much out of luck. When I can, I'll come back to this and do my best.