Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 140: Jam the Line!

"Today, crank call the national Ku Klux Klan Headquarters, Harrison, Arkansas at 870-427-3414 repeatedly and jam the line."

I have a feeling that a lot of people are doing this task today, because every time I've tried calling the line has been busy. Even though I didn't do it myself, I'll still count this one as a success. Ya-ta!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 139

"Today, bleed here in The Book. In a million years' time with advanced technology, they'll be able to reconstitute you from your DNA."

Normally, I have no problem bleeding. It usually happens on complete accident or otherwise inexplicably. Today, when I actually tried to make myself bleed, I had a hard time making it happen. I tried pricking myself with pins, pressing into my thumb with a knife, all sorts of stuff. It ended up being that I accidentally nicked myself while shaving, which gave me enough to work with. This is the first time that I've actually done anything to The Book itself (no writing, tearing, changing, etc.), but only because I didn't have a better way to preserve it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 138

"Today, learn a new knot. It could save your life"

The Book then describes how to tie a Single Wall Knot. While it looks impressive and useful, it's actually more decorative than anything. Anyway I might as well give it a shot.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 137: Does Cheese really give you Nightmares?

"Find out by eating 100 oz of cheese and recording your dreams."

Well, I'm wasn't going to eat 100 ounces of cheese for any reason, ever. But last night before I went to bed, I did manage to stomach an entire block of Emmentaler. According to the book, I should have had dreams about going to hell. While I didn't dream about that, I did have a rather interesting dream.

The first one I recall, I was at my house and I was outside in my driveway. All of the sudden, a cop car pulled up to the front of the driveway, but there was just some random drunk guy driving and he was swerving all over the place. He got out of the car and was trying to get into my house or something, and I decided to punch him in the face as hard as I could, over and over again. After about 20 minutes of that, he decided that he was going to leave. But before he left, he picked up a chipmunk and bit it like a vampire. This made the chipmunk turn evil and grow to the size of a small dog, which rightfully freaked me the fuck out. For the rest of the dream, as far as I can remember, I spent my time running away from this chipmunk and everyone else thought that I was crazy.

Damn, I guess that's what happens when you eat a shitload of cheese before going to bed.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 136

"Today, make sure your parents know how much you love them. It may seem impossible to say. But don't wait until it is."

Today, I took the time to call me mom (dad was working) and talk for a bit, which I normally don't like doing that much. But I knew that today I could bare through it for a little while longer than normal. I've always had a really good relationship with my parents, unlike a few people that I know. I've always felt really lucky for everything that they do for me and how much they've supported me my whole life. So I got to talk to mom for a while today, which was really nice. At the end I made sure to say that I loved her, which I've never really had a problem doing, but normally she says it first. It actually felt really, really good.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 135: Subtext Day

"Today, read between the lines as people talk to you."

Luckily, I tend to surround myself with people who are incredibly straightforward, or are otherwise sarcastic to the point where you know exactly what they mean. I never really have to do much line-in-between reading, so that saved me quite a bit of hassle today.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 134: Hack into a Computer Network

"Hacking is a useful and potentially lucrative hobby. All you need is a computer connected to the internet and a few hours to spare"

However hard I may have tried, I really don't have the skills needed to hack into a network. Not to mention that my school locks down the internet so tight you can barely blink at it. Maybe I'll come back to this when I actually have the smallest bit of internet freedom.