"Make an appointment to check he knows his symptoms."
Doctors visits are expensive, and I don't really like going even when I have to. If I don't actually have anything wrong with me, I'd really rather not subject myself to a doctor's visit.
"Today, feel free to ask the mind behind The Book any questions that may occur to your regarding its origins, contents, and philosophy."
Well, I really don't have any questions about The Book or how it came to be, but I do have some helpful critique: I would have The Book feature more actual tasks to complete, rather than things to things about or other random nonsense tasks. I think The Book could be a lot more effective that way.
"The most spontaneous-looking pictures are often those that require the most effort. Robert Doisneau had to wait all day for a policeman to walk past before taking this immortal shot. Today, walk around with your camera, compose a great picture in your mind, and shoot it, no matter how long it takes you."
I won't lie, I got a couple of days behind on posting things and I had forgotten to take a picture today. However, I did manage to get one really good picture during a brew session today that I wanted to share the everyone.
"Probe the depths of your subconscious today. Sit down at a table with a pen and a paper, pick a letter at random, and start writing as fast as you can without thinking about it. Warning: If your automatic writing ends up something like this: "The devil pays the banjo between the lecherous legs of mother superior raaaaaagh I speak in tongues at the day of the last day screw the vegetables and let the universe implode buttercups buttercups suck my manifold orifices!!!", you are either unhinged or a teenager. Go do your homework."
I'm not entirely sure what I pl;an on writing about or that I'm really supposed to have a plan at all so I guess I'll just start out and see where things go I'm a little bit nervous about going into work tonight because I'm running a station that I've only trained one day on although I don't think that it'll be too busy because it's a Wednesday night and normally the nights during the weekdays aren't as busy as the weekends and I sometimes wonder why that is but I guess a lot of people don't really like to go out during the week because they have work and other grown-up things to the next day and they don't really want to spend all night at a restaurant I've never really had a problem doing things later into the night on weekdays but maybe that's just me I guess I've always kind of been an "out-there" kind of person and not really going with what most normal people would do and some may think that that's pretty strange but I don't really mind I would always rather be totally different and obscure than try and fit in with what everyone else sees as normal Life is way more fun when you can just decide what you like and what you want to do with yourself rather than just being like oh hey I guess this is what I'm supposed to do and people will accept me for that that seems like a pretty goddamn boring way to live and I for one would never like to be quite that boring maybe when I'm old and grumpy and wrinkly I can be a little more boring, but I still think it would be a lot of fun to be that crazy old guy that's really weird, but everyone still likes him for some reason is that weird? I don't know, but again, I don't really care too much about whether or not people think of me as being weird or normal or anything else for that matter I should probably starting doing other things with my day before I go into work but since I'm typing this and not actually writing on a piece of paper I really don't have anywhere that I'm really supposed to stop so I guess I can stop whenever I want to but there's actually something pretty fun about just writing down whatever you're thinking and getting one long train of thought I have this weird thing a lot of times where I'll just make random connections between whatever I'm thinking and end up somewhere without knowing what exactly led me to think that so it's interesting to see where certain things lead and connect and how that all plays out ok I think I'm done now because my neck is starting to hurt and I should probably lay down or have some breakfast or something.
"Spend today thinking only about someone else and their life and problems for a change."
Today, I didn't my best not to focus on myself. I tried to be helpful to others with their problems and generally not think too much about myself. But being that it was my day off, I did want to give myself time to relax and not care about anything in particular.
"Act like you're worth millions today. Only your bank manager will know the difference."
I don't particularly think I would act any differently than I already do if I suddenly had millions of dollars at my disposal. I suppose I would give a good amount to charity after making sure that myself and my family were well set off for a while. But seeing as how I can't really donate something that I don't actually have, I spent the day acting as I normally would.