Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 56: Rock'n'Roll

"Today, live the Heavy Metal lifestyle at it's most decadent"

To be honest, this is the day that I've most looked forward to. If you're reading this, you probably already know that I'm just a little bit into heavy metal. I knew that the only way to go about this day would be to follow in the footsteps of the only true era of Rock Stars: The 80s. So, if I were an 80's rock star, what would I do?

First and foremost, the music. Gotta have some bitchin' music.
Next, to insure my own musical prowess, enter the Pick of Destiny
aka, a guitar pick containing all the power and might of Satan himself.

After a night of rocking out, what better way to celebrate than with good old fashioned substance abuse?
 ATTENTION: THIS IS POWDERED SUGAR. I wasn't going to do anything drug related, but every one said coke was a must. But fuck that. This is the closest I'm willing to go
ATTENTION: THIS IS ACTUALLY TEQUILLA. While hard drugs are out of the question, booze rarely is.

And after being thoroughly lucid, what's more fun than destruction of property? When you have a TV that starts out like this:
 It can quickly start looking like this:
 And even more quickly can look like this:

After a hard day's night such as this, I'd like to relax with a nice movie

All in all, a thoroughly fun day filled with my favorite sorts of debauchery. Even if you're not into rock or metal, everyone should try living on the wild side every now and then.

Plus smashing TVs is SO much fun.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 55: Pancake Day

"Today, a test of patience: Flip the perfect Pancake"

I've been up since 7:30 this morning, had class all day (including a final exam), and drove nearly six hours through a blizzard. It is now after 11pm and I just spent the last half hour making pancakes.
But it's sooooo worth it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 54: Today, Count your farts

"Everyone emits gas, except the Queen of England perhaps. But just how cow-like are you in your production? Today, keep a very rough numerical tally to ascertain if your methane generation falls within statistical norms, or if you pose a particular danger on the ozone layer."

Medically speaking, I produced flatus about 20 times today.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 53: Today, return all your junk mail

"Junk mail clogs up your mailbox and forces you to spend hours ever month disposing of it. But hey, if you send is back, it has the same effect on the companies who dish it out. Just from RETURN TO SENDER and change the name to B. Smith, Resources and Personnel Dept, and they will spend valuable time trying to work out who or what should be on the receiving end of your correspondence."

I'm fairly certain this book was written in about 2005, so maybe junk mail was more of a problem then. But I don't actually get junk mail. Hell, I don't even get spam anymore. I can't really send back something that I don't already have.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 52

"What is the meaning of life? Today, solve that eternal problem by looking it up in the dictionary."


/laɪf/ noun, plural lives /laɪvz/ , adjective
the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment.
the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one.
a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul: eternal life.
the general or universal condition of human existence: Too bad, but life is like that.
any specified period of animate existence: a man in middle life.
the period of existence, activity, or effectiveness of something inanimate, as a machine, lease, or play: The life of the car may be ten years.
a living  being: Several lives were lost.
living  things collectively: the hope of discovering life on other planets; insect life.
a particular aspect of existence: He enjoys an active physical life.
the course of existence or sum of experiences and actions that constitute a person's existence: His business has been his entire life.
a biography: a newly published life of Willa Cather.
animation; liveliness; spirit: a speech full of life.
resilience; elasticity.
the force that makes or keeps something alive; the vivifying or quickening principle: The life of the treaty has been an increase of mutual understanding and respect.
a mode or manner of existence, as in the world of affairs or society: So far her business life has not overlapped her social life.
the period or extent of authority, popularity, approval, etc.: the life of the committee; the life of a bestseller.
a prison sentence covering the remaining portion of the offender's animate existence: The judge gave him life.
anything or anyone considered to be as precious as life: She was his life.
a person or thing that enlivens: the life of the party.
effervescence or sparkle, as of wines.
pungency or strong, sharp flavor, as of substances when fresh or in good condition.
nature or any of the forms of nature as the model or subject of a work of art: drawn from life.
Baseball . another opportunity given to a batter to bat because of a misplay by a fielder.
(in English pool) one of a limited number of shots allowed a player: Each pool player has three lives at the beginning of the game.
for or lasting a lifetime; lifelong: a life membership in a club; life imprisonment.
of or pertaining to animate existence: the life force; life functions.
working from nature or using a living  model: a life drawing; a life class.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51: Sense-less Day

"Go today without using your sense of: Sight"

There's a few days like this in the book, which should be interesting to try out. This one, however, I really can't do. I have finals tomorrow and I kind of need to study. So going blind for a day wasn't really an option.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 50: Make Peopl;le Notice You Today

I was trying to find a sweet eyepatch, but this was the best I could come up with
I definitely got some weird looks at the gym. The girl at the front desk actually gave me the glasses you're supposed to wear for racquetball (which nobody ever gives me). I also felt like everybody was kind of staring at me, but I suppose that would be the point.