Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 147: Today, Change Someone's Mind

"Only fools never change their mind. Help save someone from such folly by arguing them out of their deeply held views on a controversial subject like cannibalism. Now, most reasonable people are in favor of cannibalism, , but a tenacious minority cling to the outdated views about its health risks. Tell them no independent clinical study has ever been able to establish that lifelong cannibalism is bad for your health. That's a fact. And here's the clincher: have they ever tried it? No? THEN HOW DO THEY KNOW? The great Socrates himself could not win an argument more easily."

While my mind-changing experience wasn't quite that... drastic, I did have a good opportunity today. I was at the grocery store and I heard a couple talking about what they had to buy. The wife was insistent on telling her husband that canned vegetables were better for you than fresh vegetables for some number of incorrect reasons. While I'm not normally one to approach strangers, I felt like this was a good chance to change her mind. I told her that canned vegetables are actually a lot less healthy than she though and that fresh vegetables, especially now that it's getting into summer, are not only healthier but also tastier. She seemed genuinely surprised and thanked me for the advice. It always feels good to do my part to help others out.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 146: Famous Last Words

"Prepare yours ahead of time"

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish
I've always really liked this line, and seeing as how today is Towel Day it seems only fitting.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 145: Start an Urban Myth

"See how fast a rumor can spread. To be successful, an urban myth must include two or more of the following elements: Imaginative revenge by jilted lover, pet's life ending in gruesome circumstances (preferably sexual), hidden deadly flaw in consumer product."

To be honest, I really couldn't come up with anything. I was trying to think of something somewhat believable, but obscure enough that nobody could really check it. But alas, nothing really great popped into my mind. So I decided to go out for a walk since it was such a nice night out. I ended up making my way down to the old dock down by the river. When I got there though, I was more than a little bit creeped out.
This, whatever it is, was literally just sitting out on the dock. I have no clue what it could even by. It looks like some sort of animal body maybe. I mean, what I think is a head kind of look like a birds head, but none of the rest of it looks anything close to bird-like. And what is that big claw thing? And why does (what I assume to be) the body look like old leather? I've always been into those weird mysterious creature shows and stuff on national geographic and sci fi and whatnot, but what the actual fuck? I never thought I would actually see anything like that in real life. Easily one of the weirdest experiences of my life.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 144: Men Only Day

"Today, celebrate your manhood by doing that which only you can do."

Not to hard to figure out some manly things to do. Lets see....

 Lunch: Meat, wrapped in more meat, served with beer sauce
Lunch part 2: Steak and Potatoes

Super workout, check

Can't be manly without chugging beer and burping a might burp.

On top of all that, I've been burping and farting all over the place today. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to challenge the biggest guy around to a fight, but that might be because I'm one of the biggest guys around. Damn it feels good to be a man

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 143

"Today, distribute these Friendship Coupons"

Redeemed to Mariah Woodward 6-5-12
I actually had to try pretty hard to think of something to tell for this. I try not to keep that many secrets from people. But I did manage to remember something embarrassing that happened when I was younger that I don't think I had told anyone else before. And being that I hadn't told anyone else before, I think we'll just keep that as our secret.

So I picked some people at random and sent these out today. I'll try edit this post with a description of whenever one is redeemed.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 142: Sense-less Day

"Go through today without using your sense of: Taste."

For today, I tried eating all my food without breathing through my nose, since scent and taste are so closely related. It worked to a certain extent, whenever I wasn't breathing through my nose I couldn't really taste any of the food I was eating. It was really weird just having to go off of the texture of the food. While is really wasn't that bad or challenging, I'm glad today is over. I like being able to taste things.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 141

"Today, build a nest and see if a bird comes."

Well, here's my pitiful attempt at building a bird nest
Needless to say, no birds showed up.