Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 189

"Don't waste the 4 minutes and 22 seconds (on average) you will spend on the toilet. Read the much-neglected Old Testament Book of Habakkuk instead, and try and improve yourself."

I'm normally a pretty quick pooper, so I don't usually do much reading while I'm waiting. I did take the time to read the passage in the Book today, which was kind of interesting. I've always wanted to take the time and actually read the Bible, but I've never really gotten around to it. This part, however, was especially boring. Much more so than the parts I actually have read. Maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea after all...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 188: Today, get a life coach!

"If you haven't managed to do everything this Book has instructed so far, then you clearly need some help organizing your life. Life coaches give you advice on sorting out your priorities and acting on the,. If your life is a bit of a mess, they'll help untangle it with you. So pick up the phone book and call one now."

Instead of getting an actual life coach (which after looking them up seem to be VERY expensive), I've decided to start listening to one of my friends more often about the important things. My friend Ryan has a no-bullshit attitude on a level unlike anyone I've ever met. I think that if I run the important stuff past him first, I'll be able to figure out what the right thing to do is.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 187: Pick Up Litter in the Street

"It's disgusting, and it's not yours. But hands up the person who has never littered. Let's all join together in a mass display of community spirit and make this country cleaner!"

I found a few bottles laying on the street between the parking garage and my job interview today, so I figured I could do my part and bring them to the nearest garbage bin. I feel like a good person today.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 186: Cleanliness Day

"Today, become as clean as the day you were born (or cleaner, in fact there's normally a lot of muck around you at birth for some reason). We're not just talking about taking a plain old bath here, but really cleaning those hard-to-reach crevices that most people overlook."

Today, I took an extra long shower, shaved, cleaned my ears and nose, trimmed my finger and toenails, and just got generally super clean. It felt really nice being that the weather today was super hot and sticky and gross.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 185: Join a Political Party

"Work out your political beliefs with our political wheel and see which party suits you best. Then call up and join to promote those beliefs."

As of today, I am an official volunteer member of the Rent is Too Damn High Party. I don't know exactly what being a volunteer entails, but let's face it: the rent is too damn high.

You tell 'em Jimmy.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 184

"How memorable is your everyday conversation? Today, find out by writing down everything you say. Highlight the wittiest phrase."

I didn't think to write down EVERYTHING I said, seeing as how most of it is useless gibberish. But I think I did find the best thing I had to say:

"I just cut Hades' face off, what did you do today?"

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 183: Sense-Less Day

"Go through today without using your sense of: SMELL"

My summer allergies have been in full swing for the past few weeks, so I really haven't been able smell much of anything for quite a while. I guess that counts well enough.