Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 329

"Today, choose your motto and live by it."

It didn't take me long to figure out a motto to live my life by. I already had something in mind, I just had to find the last equivalent.

Per Verum Immodicus, Unus Persevero

Literally translated, this phrase means "With truth beyond measure, one contiunes." But as you may have guessed from the video it really means one thing: 2 Legit 2 Quit.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 328: Day Off

"Leave The Book aside today and take a well-deserved break from its strictures. Too much self-monitoring will drive you mad. In fact, today, make a special effort not to think about yourself at all. There, you've failed already."

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 327: Embrace Mother Earth

"Kiss the ground that supports life today. Mother Earth is not apart from us but of us and through us. We are at one with her, along with the plants, the other animals, the liquids, the minerals and the gasses. Mother Earth is covered in meridians, or leylines, which are sensitive to our healing caress. The Cherokee people observed that upon kissing a leyline, the birds would often flock to that place, and vegetation sprout thereafter. Be part of that healing. We can all make a difference."

I know that somewhere near where I live there is a line of latitude that runs, but I don't know if it's actually that close. But I went out and embraced the Mother Earth to become one with her healing processes. Unfortunately, it kind of just felt like a mouthful of dirt rather than a spiritual connection.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 326

"Do some DIY today."

I'm not very handy with tools and things of that nature, but put me in a kitchen and I can show you a thing or two. For my DIY today, I made homemade gravy for Thanksgiving using homemade turkey stock and braised turkey legs. Omnomnom.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 325: Learn a Ballet step

"Maria-Teresa Ludovinkha Petrivskavna's top tip for the beginner: "To become a prima ballerina assoluta, you just have to get the right name. As plain old Debbie G. Brookner, I was going nowhere fast. Then I simply changed my name, lost 80 pounds, and hey presto! here I am earning kazillions at the Bolshoi in world-famous Russia. Not bad for a girl from Poughkeepsie, huh?""

I have a bad knee and a bad back, but I did my best to try and follow some of the steps in this tutorial and learn a few ballet moves. However, I didn't take a video because I do still have some dignity left.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 234

"Study this intriguing photograph today. What does it mean? What is the sausage doing there? What is its purpose? Who put it there? Write and send us your interpretation (max. 100 words). It will be published on our website and the best one will be rewarded."

The photograph is of a lone sausage, leaning up against a window. The only thing that I can think of that would explain this photo would be that there was some sort of epic food fight and that sausage somehow made its way to the window.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 323: Take a Cold Shower

"Historians of the future will no doubt trace the beginning of our civilization's decline to the universal availability of the warm shower, that enfeebling experience. Brace yourself this morning and prove your mettle by showering cold. Once the initial shock is over, it's actually quite invigorating. Pluse you save on heating bills. Come on, are you a man or a mouse?"

That... was.... terrible...