Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 161

"Compose a poem and leave it in a public place to brighten up someone's day."

Since I'm not great at poetry, I decided to take a quote from a movie that I watched recently:

Life's a Garden. Dig It.

I know it's not much, but it may help some poor schmuck feel better. I wrote this on a post it and left it in the lounge of my dorm. Hopefully it could cheer someone up a little bit.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 160: Avoid All Mirrors

"Concentrate on your inner beauty"

Well, I tried my best not to make prolonged contact with any mirrors today, but it's hard when there is one facing you as soon as you open the bathroom door. At least I did the best I could in the given situation.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 159

"Find a way of making a $10 bill grow into $100 in one day"

Well, one of the suggestions The Book gives as to how to accomplish this is to photocopy a bill 9 times. SO I pretty much went with that.
I could totally sell this for a hundred bucks at some fancy schmancy art show.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 158

"Today, break one or several of The Ten Commandments."

You shall have no other Gods besides Me
 Not only do I not have any other gods, I don't have any! Take that!

You shall not make for yourself an idol
 Lookin' like a total bamf

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
 Not so hard

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy
This sabbath is my favorite kind!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 157: Human Chess Day

"Today, behave as if you were playing chess. Assess the powers and intentions of people around you. Are they friend or foe? Think ahead. Always plan your next move. Be prepared to lose your pawns to win the match. But beware: in real life, there is no such thing as a draw."

The only thing I could relate to this today was whether or not what I did would benefit me in any way. I tend to help people a lot in class, and I thought a lot more about if it was actually worth it or not. I didn't really lose anything, and I don't feel like anyone was making a move against me, so I really didn't have much to react to.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 156: Redesign an everyday product

"In 1983, British inventor James Dyson redesigned the vacuum cleaner and made a fortune. Pick an everyday object that everyone in the world uses and find a way of improving it."

I've actually had something in mind that I think would be really useful.
Whenever I use my knife for an extended period of time, I've always found that where I grip it on the blade between my index finger and thumb always ends up giving my a blister or otherwise becoming very sore. I think it would be great to have a small silicone guard that you could put over that part of your knife, kind of like those things you used to get in middle school for your pencils. It would reduce the irritation to your hand, as well as providing a stronger grip on the knife. As far as I've been able to find, there currently isn't anything like this being sold. I definitely think that this could be a great improvement.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 155: Confess to a Priest

"Even if you are not religious, the act of confession is rich in therapeutic value, not to mention a damn sight cheaper. So head for your nearest church and book a convenient time. Count on 1 minute per trivial sin (stealing from cookie jar as a child), 5 minutes per major sin (stealing cookie from child), and at least 20 minutes per heinous sin (killing child and stuffing it in cookie jar). "

There really aren't any churches nearby. I'll come back to this when a better opportunity arises.