Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 245: Extend Your Life Span

"Scientists have discovered that rats live 33% longer on a very low calorie diet. Recent research seems to suggest this also applies to humans. So why not try the long-life diet today and see if it's for you?"

I normally try to watch my calories pretty closely, so this wasn't that much of a stretch. Pretty much all I drank was water and I had some sushi for lunch and a fish taco for dinner. I also worked out a bit heavier than normal today, so I think I'm in a good spot for net calorie intake.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 244

"Plan the day down to the minute."

No matter how hard I could have tried, there was no way I would ever be able to plan an entire day minute by minute.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 243

"Today, remember Lady Di with a minute of silence."


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 242

"Use your left hand all today."

Today, I switched my mous to left-hand mode and it was a huge pain in the ass. I'm so used to using it with my right hand, it felt really unnatural to do it with the left. I also wrote all my notes for class using my left hand, which probably wasn't the greatest idea.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 241: Make sure your name is on the Internet

"If you're not on the net, you're nobody. Type your name into a search engine and find out if it plucks you out of cyberspace, even if it's in the school yearbook some nerdy ex-classmate has put online."

After putting my name into Google, it turns out that first page and a half or so is all links that are actually me, including a few image results. How about that?

Monday, August 27, 2012

042 :yaD

".drawkcab gnihtreve od, yadoT"

.siht ekil yltcaxe tsomla gnihtemos enod ev'I emit tsrif eht t'nsi siht, tsenoh eb oT .tsaot dna laerec emos dah I rennid rof neht nda tsafkaerb rof redwohc nroc fo lwob gib a dah I . gniod dnim yllatot t'nod I hcihw ,rennid rof tsafkaerb dna tsafkaerb rof rennid evah si od yllaer nac I tseb ehT .sdrawkcab gnihtyreve od ot emit eht evah etiuq t'nod ,yadot loohcs ot kcab gnivird m'I ecniS.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 239: Bullshit Day

"Log onto an internet chatroom and particapte in a discussion you know nothing about for as long as you can without being exposed as a fraud."

In today's internet culture, this was pretty much the easiest task that I've had to do so far. I went onto which basically connects you to a stranger that you can talk to. I just made up random information that even I didn't think was legit, but this guy seemed to think that I knew what I was talking about, so it went on for quite a while.