Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 133

"Today, invent a new color."

Even though according to science you can actually invent new colors, I don't really think that you can. There are only so many different wavelengths in the spectrum that we can perceive, so all the colors are already out there. I guess the best we can do is to name different colors we find.
I'm gonna go ahead and call this one "Hero of Time" (62935f)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 132

"Today, we can reveal that your lucky number is 12. Play the lottery, bet on a horse, take the #12 bus, buy a house."

I figured today would be as good a time as any to finally get around to buying some lottery tickets.
 12 scratch-off tickets, this couldn't go wrong...

I ended up winning 4 bucks. I guess 12 wasn't my lucky number today =P

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 131: Defy Hierarchy

"Don't just accept society's rules. Talk back. Stand up. Be the cog that clogs up the machine."

As much as I can, I try to defy societal rules whenever the opportunity arises. Life is just way more interesting when you take a stand against what other people say or do. That being said, I didn't really have anything much to do or say against the grain today. I noticed that I called people out on their bullshit more rapidly than I normally do, but I don't think that's quite what it meant.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 130: Write a letter to your local newspaper to achieve a high profile in your Community

"Before you know it, you'll be the spokesperson for a local campaign. You could be elected mayor on the back of a wave of popular support, and next step it's the White House. US President Dwight Eisenhower started off in politics by complaining in the Des Moines Digest that corncobs were just too darned pricey these days. Popular inflammatory topics: Dog poo everywhere, broken pavement, pesky kids, garbage men never pick up boxes, town hall corrupt."

Well, we don't actually have a local paper nor do I have anything much to complain about. I'll come back to this one when a more proper occasion arises.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 129: Count Your Blessings

"In the great hubbub of life, we often forget to pause and consider how lucky we are. Today, assess this scientifically."

  • Are you alive? - 10 points
  • Are you in good health? - 9 points
  • Do you have a partner? - 7 points
  • Do you have regular sex? - 6 points
  • Do you have Children? - 3 points, -3 points per naughty child
  • Do you have a roof over your head? - 5 points
  • Can you feed yourself and your family? - 5 points
  • Do you have a steady job? - 3 points
  • Are you free from racial or sexual discrimination? - 5 points
  • Is your country at peace? - 6 points
  • Is your country well away from geological fault lines? - 6 points
  • Are your parents still alive? - 4 points
  • Are you on speaking terms with them? - 4 points
  • Have you found God? - 3 points
  • Have you found yourself? - 2 points
  • Are your bowel movements regular? - 8 points
  • Are you a born optimist? - 6 points
  • Are you a born pessimist? - -6 points
  • Do you have a sense of humor? - Yes: 1 point, No: 4 points
If you have scored more than 40 points, you are luckier than 90% of the human race.

I have a total luck rating of a 72, I guess I'm pretty damn lucky.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 128

"Today, Try a new Fruit"

 Luckily, Hannafords normally keeps a pretty large stock of weird-ass fruit. This is a Pepino Melon.
Not really the tastiest thing in the world. Kind of tastes like a pear, but with less flavor and more firm.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 127: Office Gossip Day

"Blow up this memo and leave it on your office copier"

Since I don't have an office, or any job for that matter, I can't really leave a memo about who's being fired laying around. Although, I definitely think Steve is out of here by the end of the week. He's really been getting on my nerves.