Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 91: Invent a new way of Peeling Potatoes

"No one is happy with the current situation. That's why peeling potatoes is the province of the jailbird or the disgruntled housewife. Think laterally - perhaps peeling isn't the real problem here... Anyhow: come up with a novel solution and your fortune is assured!"

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 90: Help Collapse a Currency

"The Bangladeshi Taka is currently under pressure at 58tk to the US dollar. If every book owner buys 100 takas this year and then sells them on December 31 at 4:55pm Bangladeshi time, the Taka won't be worth the paper it's printed on."

I check the exchange rate this morning, just to be safe, and the current rate is 100tk to 1.23USD, even more worse off than when the book was written. Since none of the banks around here actually sell takas, I was lucky enough to find this on eBay this morning:
My takas should be arriving sometime early next week.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 89: Primal Scream Day

"Get it out of your system, go on, let loose baby, oh yeah."

After finding a nice quiet spot outside today, I let out several screams as loud as I could. It's actually really, really calming. I definitely think everyone just needs to let it all out every once in a while.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 88: Measure your Biceps

"Get a tape measure and measure your biceps, while flexed, at its widest point. Round off to the nearest inch (if you can't find a tape measure, use a piece of string, the measure the string with a straight ruler)."

Under 9 inches: We kick sand in your face
Between 10 and 20 inches: Average to Good
Over 20 inches: Pretty damn impressive (unless you're a woman)
Over 30 inches: You have the biggest biceps in the world, but probably also the smallest penis.

After careful mesasurement, I come in at a decent 16 inches. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 87

"Today, send a message in Morse code and see if anyone responds."

.-- . .-.. .-..   ..   .--. ..- -   ..- .--.   .-   ... .. --. -.   .. -.   -- --- .-. ... .   -.-. --- -.. .   - --- -.. .- -.--   ... .- -.-- .. -. --.   - .... .- -   .. ..-.   .- -. -.-- --- -. .   -.-. --- ..- .-.. -..   .-. . .- -..   .. -   - .... .- -   - .... . -.--   -.-. --- ..- .-.. -..   --. . -   .-   .-. . .-- .- .-. -..   ..-. .-. --- --   -- . .-.-.-   ... ---   ..-. .- .-.   -. --- -... --- -.. -.--   .... .- ...   -.-. --- -- .   - ---   -.-. .-.. .- .. --   - .... .   .-. . .-- .- .-. -..   ... ---   ..   --. ..- . ... ...   -. --- -... --- -.. -.--   --. --- -   .. - .-.-.-

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 86: Go to the Wrong Side of the Tracks

"Is there a road near where you live where you fear to venture after dark? Where you feel, perhaps, less than welcome? Where you sense feral eyes following your every move from behind closed curtains? Today, step down that road and conquer your fear of the unfamiliar."

My college is actually in a very nice section of the area. There isn't anywhere that I really fear to tread around here. But anyway, here are the actual tracks.

And this is technically the wrong side of them
Not so bad, if you ask me.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 85: Release a Red Balloon

"Look! There it goes, soaring into the blue skies, a tiny beacon of friendship and hope, up, up, up and away, scattering sparrows, inspiring the eagles, and perhaps eventually causing a major commercial airliner disaster."

So long, little guy