This Book Will Change Your Life - 365 Daily Instructions for Hysterical Living
"Is the year ahead looking much the same as the last? Another 365-day grind of meetings,dinner dates, and not-to-forget-birthdays? If so, try this book. Part instruction manual, part therapy, part religious cult, part sheer anarchy, This Book Will Change Your Life will help you poke a stick in the spokes of your routine and make every day of the next year the first day of your new life."
I got this book as a Christmas gift and it seems very interesting. It basically gives you one out-of-the-ordinary thing to do every day for 1 year. Since I have nothing much better to do, and also because the world may or may not end this year I've decided that I'm going to follow The Book's instructions as closely as I can for a full year. Since there are 366 days this year, I'll have to figure something out for the last day.
Anyway, we'll see what happens. There are certain things that I won't be able to do, like hiring a prostitute for a whole day, but I'm going to do my best to do every task in the book. Wish me Luck!
May the force be with you