Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13: Send a Letter to a Mass Murderer

Charles Manson, B-33920
4A 3R 14L
P. O. Box 3476
Corcoran, CA 93212

Today, I chose to send a letter to Charles Manson. The Book lists the addresses of various different killers, but the I decided to go with Charles Manson simply due to the fact that he has become part of American folklore as the quintessential psychopath. I first thought about adding the whole letter here, but I realized that I kind of rambled on quite a bit and there isn't enough people reading this to care. But among the topics I spoke about were religion, world government, ATWA, and music. This ended up being much harder than I originally anticipated. At first, I thought it would be easy and I could just talk about things he might have opinions on, but then I realized it was much more. I was trying to have a conversation with a man who is universally accepted as one of the most evil people to ever live. I really had to think about what I would say to him given the opportunity. From everything I've read, he doesn't even receive most of the mail sent to him and he the things he does get he is not likely to respond to. But hopefully, I'll get a response. Being that he thinks, well, like Charles Manson and that he's been in prison for nearly 40 years, I think he would have some very interesting thoughts on the state of the world.

Also, today is Friday the 13th. I haven't decided whether or not this is good luck or bad luck on the hopes of a response.

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